The casting of Kamal Haasan's Vishwaroop just got even more intriguing. While earlier we had the 20-something Sonakshi Sinha being cast as the film's 57-year-old leading man Haasan's love interest, we now have Shekhar Kapur who is just 12 years older than him playing his uncle in the film.
Their sequences together are currently being shot in Mumbai at a luxury hotel. Shekhar who has not done an acting role in years is seen taking close instructions from his director-friend. The last time Shekhar faced the camera for a feature film was 20 years ago in Mahesh Bhatt's Saatwaan Aasman.
Explaining the reason for his return to acting Shekhar says, "I agreed to return to acting because of Kamal Haasan. Who can give up the chance to explore his amazing mind?"
Says Kamal Haasan, "We've never worked together before as directors or actors. But we've been very close friends for years. Shekharji has an astounding knowledge of cinema. We discuss movies for hours. When I had this part for him I just offered it and he agreed to do it, no questions asked."
One more time
Buzz now is that Haasan has offered Shekhar a movie to be directed for his Raj Kamal Films. The film, an international Hindi-English project, will have Hassan in the lead.
Friday, February 10, 2012 11:22 IST